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Bienvenue à Bowen, petite ville côtière du Nord-Est de l'Australie, abritant moins de 7 000 habitants. Si vous recherchez le calme, la bonne humeur et la joie de vivre, vous serez au paradis. Tous les habitants vous le diront, Bowen est l'endroit idéal pour se ressourcer. Et puis ne vous inquiétez pas pour l'intégration, ici tout le monde se connaît et les habitants adorent accueillir les nouveaux. › suite.

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 I saw my life in a stranger's face (LIBRE & ANGLAIS)

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I saw my life in a stranger's face (LIBRE & ANGLAIS) Empty
MessageSujet: I saw my life in a stranger's face (LIBRE & ANGLAIS)   I saw my life in a stranger's face (LIBRE & ANGLAIS) EmptyMar 30 Aoû 2016 - 3:52

It had been five days since she came back to Bowen, and since she had no where to live yet she was living with her father. She was looking for something else because she felt like she was passed "living-under-her-parents-roof", it just felt like a step back while she was trying to constantly move foward. She did not want to be a burden for her dad so she was doing the best she can to help him around the house and now she was getting the groceries for the week. She still had her right arm in a sling because of the failed drug bust, but because she's really stubborn, she wanted to do everything herself. Getting everything in the grocery store was the easy part, getting all the bags to her car was the tricky one. Chuck knows she should've kept her trolley to make it to the car in only one trip, but instead she was carrying four heavy bags, tree in her left hand and she was struggling to hold the other one with her bad arm. She couldn't hold it any longer and the bag crashed on the ground and most of what was in it rolled out of the bag. « Shit. » She put down the bags to try to get back all her things before a car could roll on them.
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I saw my life in a stranger's face (LIBRE & ANGLAIS) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I saw my life in a stranger's face (LIBRE & ANGLAIS)   I saw my life in a stranger's face (LIBRE & ANGLAIS) EmptyMar 30 Aoû 2016 - 18:36

Damn. There's always something missing. The other day it was the beans. Today it is my favorite chocolate bar. The large ones with the oreo biscuit inside. I love this stuff. I mean. I REALLY love this stuff. A quarter of a pound doesn't satisfy me. Yes, I'm a bit exaggerating. No choice  but to choose another one so. The one with the nuts inside. Smaller so I had to buy several of those. Of course I didn't come only to buy this. Did I ? Hum. Of course not. One bag rather full on a hand and one pack of water bottles in the other one. Not the big weekly shopping but still. Came to buy maximum ten items. Leaving with a bill of seventy dollars. Classic.

I'm returning to my car. Saying « Hello » to a mother and her son. Thinking of what to cook this evening. There's a chicken in the fridge but I'm starving for some pork chops with noodles and a caramel sauce. Mmmmh. The chicken can wait another day. Yes. Four of five meters in front of me, a woman seems to have some difficulties with all her stuff. Think I will give her some help. I notice that she have an arm in a sling. I accelerate a little bit but too late. One of her bag fell on the ground and some foodstuffs scatter right and left. Followed by a little tiny word. I immediately put down my bag and my pack and rush to help the young lady. Picking up a can that was rolling before putting it back in the bag.

Are you okay Miss ? Reaching to catch a sauce pot which was trying to escape. Need a hand ? Before remembering that she has an injured arm. Bad choice of word. No pun intended ...Sorry ... And guess what ? Yes. What do I see in her bag ? Yes you guess it. Not 'A' chocolate bar. 'THE' chocolate bar. Guess she was quicker than me. Or luckier. But the luck appears to has deserted her a few seconds ago. Maybe if I help her she will willingly reward me. Let's say with that chocolate bar right ? It's nice to dream ...
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I saw my life in a stranger's face (LIBRE & ANGLAIS) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I saw my life in a stranger's face (LIBRE & ANGLAIS)   I saw my life in a stranger's face (LIBRE & ANGLAIS) EmptyJeu 1 Sep 2016 - 7:49

While she was trying to get ahold of her groceries, she heard someone talk to her so she turned her head to see who it was. She didn't know him but she was really grateful that he was trying to help. « Well, let's just say that I've been better. » She couldn't help but smirk at that comment, he seemed to feel really bad but she didn't take it the wrong way at all. Together they were finally able to put everything back in the bag. « Thank you so much, I think I would still be chasing down my food right now if it wasn't for you. » She noticed right away the was he was looking at the chocolate bar in the bag, That is the look of someone who saw something they like. She smiled and hand it out to him. « You deserve something in exchange, take this. » Maybe it would make his day, it was probably the best way to repay him. « I'm Chuck, by the way. »
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I saw my life in a stranger's face (LIBRE & ANGLAIS) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I saw my life in a stranger's face (LIBRE & ANGLAIS)   I saw my life in a stranger's face (LIBRE & ANGLAIS) EmptyJeu 1 Sep 2016 - 12:57

Maybe this is « that kind of a day » for her. You know. Where everything seems to slip through your fingers. Like you don't totally have control of your life. But with all those bags and her arm in a sling she's kinda playing with fire. But.  Did nobody notice she's injured ? Help her out ? Sure if I had seen her leaving the supermarket I would have proposed my help. To, let's say, avoid this sort of situation. Mmh. She thanked me. Doesn't need to but I always appreciate the gratitude. Oh you're welcome. With pleasure. I mean. What kind of person would I be if I didn't help you ? Help a young woman in distress. A young woman with a good taste for chocolate bar. A chocolate bar which she's taking and offering to me. I can't take it. So it was you who picked up the last one hum ? Seems like you were the lucky one ... I appreciate but you can keep it. I have bought others instead. So I grab the gift. Awkward isn't it ? Just refused the treat but still taking it. Before putting it back in the bag obviously. Wouldn't want to make you sad. Ahah. Just kidding. Chuck. A bit weird for a woman. But this mustn't be her real name. Certainly a diminutive for … Charlène or Charlize. I tend my hand. The left one so she can shake it with her valid arm. I'm Jake. Nice to meet you. Tell me you're going to your car and not walking home with all of those ? Can you imagine it? Even if she's not living far. But driving in that condition, isn't it a bit dangerous? Very brave of her to come alone and leave with plenty of groceries. Brave or foolish. Choose your pick. Let's wait her answer and depend on it I could always propose to drive her home.
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I saw my life in a stranger's face (LIBRE & ANGLAIS) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I saw my life in a stranger's face (LIBRE & ANGLAIS)   I saw my life in a stranger's face (LIBRE & ANGLAIS) EmptyJeu 8 Sep 2016 - 8:18

One of the things that passed through her mind while she was talking to him was wondering if he was living in Bowen while she was living here before, because she had no memory of his face and she was usually pretty good at recalling things and people's face. She bit her lips after what he said and looked around a bit dramatically. « Well... anyone else in this parking lot, apparently. » she was joking, mostly. Because a lot of people didn't even noticed what happened, so she couldn't blame them for not helping, but a few just looked at her and didn't even seem to care at all. It was kind of funny that they liked the same brand of chocolate, since it's been her favorite since it came out and her friends would always find her weird for liking them a lot. « Seriously, it's the least I can do to thank you. » The precious chocolate bar was already back in the bag, but she would wait to try to convince him again to take it. Her train of thoughts was distracted by the hand in front of her, she smiled when she saw he showed her the left one, she shook it. « Yeah, my car is all the way over there, I feel so dumb for parking my car so far. » She could have parked it way closer to go easy on herself, but old habits are hard to change, she's use to park it far so people who really needs a close spot could have one available. She saw the look on his face when she mentioned she drove to get here. « Don't worry, I drive an automatic, I'm not that reckless. » she glanced down at all the bags before looking back at him. « I could use your help to get these to my car, if you don't mind. » she didn't want to hold him off if he was in a hurry or something.
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I saw my life in a stranger's face (LIBRE & ANGLAIS) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I saw my life in a stranger's face (LIBRE & ANGLAIS)   I saw my life in a stranger's face (LIBRE & ANGLAIS) EmptyJeu 8 Sep 2016 - 20:29

A lot of people could have helped her yes. But I'm the only one who stand up in front of her right now. Maybe if I didn't aid her another man would have come. Another man or another woman. I just assume that men would have been more  than cheerful to give her a hand. And not because she's a young woman. Well maybe a little. But I'm here and we won't never know what would have happened if it wasn't the case. She is thankful. Very. Insist a little bit that I take my reward. She really doesn't need to be so grateful. As I said, to me it seems normal. I didn't do it to be paid back or anything that matter. Oh it's nothing. I couldn't look myself in the mirror if I didn't help people having some difficulties. Ahah Said with a smile but kinda serious however. I'm not THE biggest Samaritan that ever lived but sometimes I like to give some assistance to the less fortunate.
She's parked far. Not the brightest idea like she said. Sometimes you don't have a choice but today the parking is not that crowed. Wonder why she has not approached a bit. Especially given her condition. Hum. She must have her reasons. Maybe you didn't' think that you'll be so loaded ? Coming to buy one slice of ham and a bread, leaving with half the store ... Don't know if it was her case. If she indeed came for the weekly groceries she has no excuses.
She must have note my worries and tell me that she doesn't really need her right arm to drive. You reassure me. Never have a broken arm or hand. I was guessing it must be a little hard to properly drive. I'm lucky. Some minor injuries but never need to be hospitalized. Of course I cut my hand several times. Not entirely obviously ! The consequences of working with knifes. I'm not clumsy but show me a chef or a cook who never have that kind of accident and I will tell you he's a liar.  
She's ready to go back to her car. Half-ready actually as she ask me for help. Of course of course ! Let me just take my stuff  first. I'm making four or five steps and catching the pack of bottles and the bag before returning near Chuck. I'm taking two of her bags and leaving her the other two. I would have liked to take everything but I think she can handle them. Ready to go ? Cause I am. Curiosity killed the cat but … If you're not reckless, how you got yourself hurt ? If you do not mind me asking ... Bad fall maybe. I just hope this question doesn't involve something serious.
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I saw my life in a stranger's face (LIBRE & ANGLAIS) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I saw my life in a stranger's face (LIBRE & ANGLAIS)   I saw my life in a stranger's face (LIBRE & ANGLAIS) EmptyMer 14 Sep 2016 - 7:44

He seems like a really nice guy, not the kind of guy who just wanted to play the hero to have a date with her or something, the kind of guy who is just really glad to help someone in need of assistance. She smiles and tilt her head because of what he said. « That's kind of a nice way to think, the world needs more people like you, Jake. » She really meant it. Being a cop, she feels that way too. All she ever wanted to do was make a difference, help people, get the bad guys behind bars. He seemed to judge her a bit for her choice of parking space, she didn't really mind, it was her choice. « I have this habit of parking far away because I don't mind the walk, but I kind of forgot that I wasn't in condition to leave the good spots for people who needs it more. » she bit her lips, feeling a bit stupid. She waited for him while he was getting his things, she tucked her hair behind her ear, it was a bit windy. She nodded when he asked her if she was ready, he took two of her bags and she was so grateful he was there to help. She felt her heart as if it was in her throat after his last question. It was always so painful to truly think about it, most days she could go on as if she was completely fine, but she had to ignore it, ignore the fact that she lost the person she wanted to grow old with in this stupid mission. She had this sad look on her face but she still smiled a bit « It's kind of a work accident, I'm a cop. » she wanted to avoid the whole "my-fiance-died" thingy, since she completly loathed the look of pitty everyone was giving her when they knew. « And you? What do you do for a living? » She was legitimately curious to know, it wasn't just to change the subject.
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I saw my life in a stranger's face (LIBRE & ANGLAIS) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I saw my life in a stranger's face (LIBRE & ANGLAIS)   I saw my life in a stranger's face (LIBRE & ANGLAIS) EmptyMer 14 Sep 2016 - 19:01

She's nice. Saying the world would be a better place if there was more people like me. I appreciate the compliment, smile a bit and make a nod to thank her. The discussion goes on and I need to correct myself. « If there was more people like US ». She must be the first person to tell me that kind of things. Not taking the closer parking spots and leave it to other people. A mother and her baby maybe. Or an aged couple. But in reality those spots are rather taken by urged people or by the laziest of us. The world need more people like you Chuck. Ahah. More seriously it's clearly nice of you to act like that. But I think that you're currently one of the « people who need it more ». And you kinda deserve it.
And just like that we're ready to go. I notice that maybe I shouldn't have asked that question. She forces herself to smile but I know that she's trying to hide her true feelings. She doesn't lie very well. A quality if you ask me. That means she's natural. A true good woman. A cop woman. I'm surprised. Not in a bad way. I better understand that habit. Serving people and so on. I never would have guessed that you were working at the police station. Without being sexist. I'm probably not the first one to say so hum ? And probably not the last one. We are far away from the big fat cop with a donut. A bunch of donut. The cliché. But we are in Australia not in the USA. Our cops are handsome !
And speaking of donut, time for me to talk about my work. I work in a pastry store. « Imogen » in the shopping streets. I lean a bit while murmuring We are the best in town. In the whole country I mean. And no I'm not doing some advertising. Ahah. I say it and I mean it. Proud to work for this fantastic company. And very grateful to Charlize for giving me the opportunity to work for her. What is your favorite dessert? Coconut muffin? Nutella milkshake? Three chocolates cake? Waffle with whipped cream and vanilla ice cream ? Does that not sound delicious ? I swear I can almost feel all those flavors... I'm not greedy, am I ? Ahah.
After a few meters we're approaching what seems to be her car. And no I still don't understand why she parked so far. Even with her kindly reasons. Maybe it is time for our paths to split. Or maybe not. Are you in a hurry ? I thought maybe we could go for a coffee ? And maybe we could … let say … share a chocolate bar ? Ahah. Just sayin' … I smile at her. She wanted to give it to me. And I wanted her to keep it. So this is like the best compromise I could offer. And if she has more urgent stuff to do, well, life goes on …
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I saw my life in a stranger's face (LIBRE & ANGLAIS) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I saw my life in a stranger's face (LIBRE & ANGLAIS)   I saw my life in a stranger's face (LIBRE & ANGLAIS) EmptyDim 18 Sep 2016 - 5:34

He was right, she was entitled to take one of those good parking spots, but for her it was like admit she was weak. Really, take a closer parking place doesn't mean being weak at all, but she's stubborn and for her it was like losing a fight against herself. « Yeah... You're probably right. Next time I'll try to think about it and park closer. » Anyway, she would be allowed to remove her sling soon, so maybe it would be easier for her to use her arm. She smiles at his comment, silently thanking him for not asking too many questions. « No you are not the first, I'm 5 foot 4 and I apparently look too nice to be a cop.» At first when she became an agent she was annoyed with people telling her she was too small or too fragile to be one, but now she doesn't mind the comments. She likes her job and she likes to think that she's good at it, so the rest doesn't matter. She was pleasantly surprised to hear he was a baker. « Wow, and they say never to trust a skinny baker. » she was kidding obviously, it was her way to going back at him for when he said she didn,t look like a cop. She winked and laughed a bit. « Chocolate cake is definitely my favorite. » It was her favorite and now she was really craving one since he talked about food with such passion. She put down the bags next to the car while she was looking for her keys in her purse. She stopped looking when he asked her if she wanted to get coffee. « I'm not at all, this is a great idea! Do they serve coffee where you work? » Even if they would eat the chocolate bar, she needed cake. She resume her search and finally found the keys. She unlocked the door to put her bags on the back seat of the car.
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I saw my life in a stranger's face (LIBRE & ANGLAIS) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I saw my life in a stranger's face (LIBRE & ANGLAIS)   I saw my life in a stranger's face (LIBRE & ANGLAIS) EmptyDim 18 Sep 2016 - 15:22

What do you mean I'm skinny ? Skinny how ? Like I'm a clown ? Hum hum. Well. That's what immediately comes to my mind when I hear her words. I smile. Clearly not vexed or annoyed. I keep my best imitation or Mr Pesci for myself. I don't want do look like a fool. If she don't know the movie, the joke will fall flat. But still. I'm looking a bit at myself. I'm not like Mr Schwarzenegger – hard to spell – or like those men who spent their whole day at the gym but I'm not skinny ! I turn my heard and smile again. Sorry what did you say ? I think I misunderstood you. Ahah. I have never been called a SHIny baker before. Ahahah. I hope you have some sunglasses then. Ahah. Sometimes my own words come to surprise myself. Like I'm speaking and then only I realize what I've just said. Kinda weird. Ahah.
The classic chocolate cake is what she prefers. Why be original ? Quick and easy to make. But there are many variants. White or black chocolate. With chocolate chips or not. Covered or not with a topping. I nod and decide not to do any comments or ask any more questions. She seems to have no plan for the rest of the afternoon so she accepts the invitation. Oh yes ! I know I said store but this is not exactly right. We have a few tables and you can command coffee, tea, milk-shake or … whatever. We can definitively go there ! We need to go there. This is not so far. Why haven't I thought about going to my own place ? Shame on me !
She puts her groceries and that makes me think … Can I put my stuff in your car ? Mine is over there. It will prevent us to make a little detour. If it does not bother you of course … Why should it ? But if she refuse it will not kill us to walk an extra hundred yards. Never heard of it ? Imogen ? You're new in town ? It just crossed my mind. Every Bowen citizen know Imogen right ? The only reason the name doesn't ring a bell is because she arrives here recently. Or she doesn't go out. She stays all day at her place. At first sight, not the type of a woman like Chuck. But, hé, at first sight she doesn't look like a cop either. As far as I can tell I don't recall seing her around so the question is legitimate. And it could be a good topic to open the discussion.
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I saw my life in a stranger's face (LIBRE & ANGLAIS) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I saw my life in a stranger's face (LIBRE & ANGLAIS)   I saw my life in a stranger's face (LIBRE & ANGLAIS) EmptyMar 4 Oct 2016 - 6:16

She giggled at his joke even if it wasn't that funny. Just the fact that he was trying was enough to sincerely make her laugh. « Never heard of that saying? I don't even know where it comes from. » She really wondered for a second where it came from, probably that if a baker is too skinny he never tries what he makes, so it might not be so great. « At least you are definitely a funny baker. » The idea of getting cake was filling her with joy, it didn't take a lot to make her happy, even if it was only for a few hours. She moved her hair from her face again and turned around to face him again after putting the bags in her car. « Of course! No problem, there's plenty of space. » Her car was surprisingly neat for a girl, usually girl's cars are full of shoes and clothes, but hers wasn't. « Well I grew up here but I left a few years ago, must've opened while I was away. » Otherwise, she would definitely have heard of a place with pastries and milk-shakes. She closed the door after he put his bags in the car « So... is it near enough that we can walk to it? Or is it preferable to take the car? » She wouldn't mind a little walk, but she didn't want to force him if he didn't want to.
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I saw my life in a stranger's face (LIBRE & ANGLAIS) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I saw my life in a stranger's face (LIBRE & ANGLAIS)   I saw my life in a stranger's face (LIBRE & ANGLAIS) EmptyMar 4 Oct 2016 - 21:03

Of course she's not the first to tell me that expression. I don't heard it often but sometimes someone reminds me that I must go to the gym or he won't trust me anymore. Ahah. And like her I don't know the origins of that saying. Neither do I. But I know that expression. I'm just kidding. Or trying to be comic. And then she says it. I'm a funny baker. And then I re-think of it. She definitely wants to see my acting skills. And with THE best Pesci's high-pitched voice : What do you mean I'm funny ? Funny how ? Like I'm a clown ? She must take me for an alien. Or a crazy man. Ahah. Sorry but you forced me … Do you recognize ? Goodfellas ? The scene at the bar ? She could be the type who watch those kind of films so there's a chance it'll ring her a bell. Otherwise I'm clearly not a funny baker and I'm clearly doing the clown. But who cares ?
She let me put my bags. Thanks. It seems like we are opposites so. I grew up at Mackay and went to Bowen two years ago. But I don't intend to go back to my hometown. Bowen is my home now. Mmmmh. I don't even know when Imogen opened. Shame on me. I'm in Bowen since summer 2014. Imogen was already opened at that time. Never thought to ask when was the opening. I don't ask her why she left. Because I don't want her to ask the same thing. And actually that does not interest me so much.
Of course we'll go on foot ! No pollution and a little bit of a “sport” activity ! It's a good today. We don't have to worry about a probable downpour. It's not so far. Ten. Fifteen minutes maybe. We can walk. The choice is yours. Please don't take the car. Please don't take the car. Okay then ! We'll walk. Good choice. We're not those lazy persons who parked just in front of the shop ! So. Do you recognize Bowen or has the city changed ? Last day I helped a woman who said to me that she thought the city wasn't the same. Like very different. It was a pretty crazy day. I don't know exactly when she left so maybe she doesn't have the same feeling. I'm interested to hear her opinion. And we won't stay silent during the travel. We need some topic to discuss about. And I hope this is a good start.
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I saw my life in a stranger's face (LIBRE & ANGLAIS) Empty
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