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 WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !

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Isaiah Gartshore-Nairn
Brooklyn Gates
Tiffany Sawyer
Woody Rutkowski
8 participants
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WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 11 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 11 EmptyMar 29 Aoû - 18:40

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WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 11 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 11 EmptyMer 18 Oct - 19:42

Allo :hug:
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WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 11 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 11 EmptyLun 23 Oct - 9:03

j'pose ma patte avant de te mp aha
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WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 11 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 11 EmptySam 28 Oct - 7:16

Un petit lien ? Je ne peux pas résister à Taylor. Je l'ai tellement aimé dans Savage. ohh
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adm h
Woody Rutkowski
Woody Rutkowski
MESSAGE : 4048
ICI DEPUIS : 03/10/2014
COMPTES : jackson & isaiah & concho & elmo & oskár & reyansh
CRÉDITS : urochrome (a) & yourdailykitsch (g) & beloved (s)

STATUT : ⋄ oh, I wish you were right there to fight off the nightmares. you were the night light on a dark night like the stars.
WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 11 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 11 EmptySam 28 Oct - 7:26

Avec graaand plaisir :11: :11:
Et moi je connaissais pas du tout Dua Lipa, mais j'aime beaucoup ce choix héhé
Recherchais-tu des liens en particulier ? ohh


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If we'd go again all the way from the start, I would try to change things that killed our love. Your pride has built a wall, so strong that I can't get through. Is there really no chance to start once again ? I'm still loving you ... ☾☾
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WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 11 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 11 EmptySam 28 Oct - 7:33

Ravie de te l'avoir fait découvrir alors. ohh
Et bien oui mais Woody est un peu trop vieux pour les liens recherchés. Mais on peut partir sur le fait qu'il soit ami avec le frère d'Astra (Il aurait 28 ans) et donc, ils se connaissent depuis longtemps grâce à ce dernier. Je la vois bien avoir eu un crush sur lui quand elle était plus jeune et qu'elle était quelqu'un d'adorable mais, maintenant que la célébrité l'a changée et qu'elle est revenue, je la vois bien tenter quelque chose avec Woody juste pour l'avoir dans son lit. Oui parce qu'en plus d'être une peste, elle serait devenue un peu dépravée sur les bords la Astra.
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adm h
Woody Rutkowski
Woody Rutkowski
MESSAGE : 4048
ICI DEPUIS : 03/10/2014
COMPTES : jackson & isaiah & concho & elmo & oskár & reyansh
CRÉDITS : urochrome (a) & yourdailykitsch (g) & beloved (s)

STATUT : ⋄ oh, I wish you were right there to fight off the nightmares. you were the night light on a dark night like the stars.
WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 11 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 11 EmptySam 28 Oct - 7:37

Ooooh j'adore cette idée :14: Et je pense que ça ferait un sacré choc à Woody de la voir à ce point changée. Je l'imagine bien, quand ils étaient plus jeunes, avoir bien remarqué le crush qu'avait Astra sur lui, et peut-être qu'il jouait un peu avec ça (sans se faire remarquer par le frère :14: ) en lui faisant des regards ou des commentaires pour la faire rougir, des trucs du genre. Et pis maintenant ils pourraient se retrouver, toutes ces années plus tard, et Woody serait confronté à cette nouvelle Astra et le jeu ne serait plus le même, maintenant ils joueraient à deux HA


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If we'd go again all the way from the start, I would try to change things that killed our love. Your pride has built a wall, so strong that I can't get through. Is there really no chance to start once again ? I'm still loving you ... ☾☾
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WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 11 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 11 EmptySam 28 Oct - 7:42

J'adhère totalement, mon Dieu. ohh La petite Astra tourmentée par Woody à cause de son crush et change le jeu à présente. Ca me va tellement. aha HA Je te proposerais bien un petit sujet mais tu a l'air d'en avoir beaucoup. WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 11 1956959691
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WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 11 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 11 EmptySam 28 Oct - 7:48

(Ici Woody) Pas grave, pour un lien aussi cool j'aurai toujours de la place :11: qui le commence ? HA
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WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 11 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 11 EmptySam 28 Oct - 7:49

Quel chanceuse je suis ! ohh Je veux bien le commencer. On dit qu'ils se croisent par hasard dans un bar ?
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WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 11 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 11 EmptySam 28 Oct - 7:51

Ça me va comme départ :11: et merci de le commenceeer I love you
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WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 11 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 11 EmptySam 28 Oct - 8:32

Et voilà le rp . ohh
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adm h
Woody Rutkowski
Woody Rutkowski
MESSAGE : 4048
ICI DEPUIS : 03/10/2014
COMPTES : jackson & isaiah & concho & elmo & oskár & reyansh
CRÉDITS : urochrome (a) & yourdailykitsch (g) & beloved (s)

STATUT : ⋄ oh, I wish you were right there to fight off the nightmares. you were the night light on a dark night like the stars.
WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 11 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 11 EmptySam 28 Oct - 8:45

C'est parfaaaait :11: J'y réponds au plus vite love u


‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾
If we'd go again all the way from the start, I would try to change things that killed our love. Your pride has built a wall, so strong that I can't get through. Is there really no chance to start once again ? I'm still loving you ... ☾☾
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WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 11 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 11 EmptyMer 27 Juin - 13:47


Je crois qu'un pompier va devoir avoir recours à tes services. Et s'il sait pour ta maladie, il ne te regardera pas avec pitié, c'est presque une déformation professionnelle.
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En ligne
adm h
Woody Rutkowski
Woody Rutkowski
MESSAGE : 4048
ICI DEPUIS : 03/10/2014
COMPTES : jackson & isaiah & concho & elmo & oskár & reyansh
CRÉDITS : urochrome (a) & yourdailykitsch (g) & beloved (s)

STATUT : ⋄ oh, I wish you were right there to fight off the nightmares. you were the night light on a dark night like the stars.
WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 11 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 11 EmptySam 30 Juin - 17:30

Avec plaisir :11: Pas beaucoup de gens sont au courant pour sa maladie, mais on pourrait sans doute trouver une situation/une manière que Kélian aurait pu l'apprendre même si Woody ne cherchait pas forcément à le faire savoir aha


‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾
If we'd go again all the way from the start, I would try to change things that killed our love. Your pride has built a wall, so strong that I can't get through. Is there really no chance to start once again ? I'm still loving you ... ☾☾
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WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 11 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 11 Empty

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WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !
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