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 WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !

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Brooklyn Gates
Tiffany Sawyer
Woody Rutkowski
7 participants
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WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 14 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 14 EmptyLun 3 Aoû 2020 - 19:48

@Nova Hawkes oh Jude n’a pas peur de Woody. Il est capable de le remettre à sa place s’il est pas très très gentil :gus:
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WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 14 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 14 EmptyDim 15 Nov 2020 - 1:08


Je viens chercher un lien

Alors voila mon petit Devon à la Mucoviscidose et il lui faut un kiné, je me suis dit que peut etre tu pourrait etre celui ci.

La il va recevoir ses nouveau poumons donc il aura tout de meme besoin de kiné si tu veux etre celui ci ca serait tellement cool
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adm h
Woody Rutkowski
Woody Rutkowski
MESSAGE : 4077
ICI DEPUIS : 03/10/2014
COMPTES : jackson & isaiah & concho & elmo & oskár & reyansh
CRÉDITS : urochrome (a) & yourdailykitsch (g) & beloved (s)

STATUT : ⋄ oh, I wish you were right there to fight off the nightmares. you were the night light on a dark night like the stars.
WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 14 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 14 EmptyJeu 19 Nov 2020 - 22:19

@Devon Keynes Absolumeeeent :11: En plus tu as sans doute vu que Woody et la soeur de Devon ont une petite relation indéfinie actuellement aha Et Charlie a parlé de Devon à Woody déjà, donc je pense que Woody fera rapidement le rapprochement que c'est son frère jumeau :14: Y'aura de quoi à exploiter là aussi du coup héhé


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If we'd go again all the way from the start, I would try to change things that killed our love. Your pride has built a wall, so strong that I can't get through. Is there really no chance to start once again ? I'm still loving you ... ☾☾
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WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 14 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 14 EmptyVen 20 Nov 2020 - 17:54

J'avoue que j'ai lu les textos :06: :06:
Elle a parlé de Devon ? :blblbl:
Oui peut etre que le kiné de Devon aurait pu avoir une mutation ou je ne sais quoi et il serai en train d'en chercher un autre
Oh ooui je suis d'accord
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adm h
Woody Rutkowski
Woody Rutkowski
MESSAGE : 4077
ICI DEPUIS : 03/10/2014
COMPTES : jackson & isaiah & concho & elmo & oskár & reyansh
CRÉDITS : urochrome (a) & yourdailykitsch (g) & beloved (s)

STATUT : ⋄ oh, I wish you were right there to fight off the nightmares. you were the night light on a dark night like the stars.
WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 14 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 14 EmptySam 5 Déc 2020 - 2:52

Curieux :01: aha
Oui elle lui a parlé de sa fibrose kystique notamment ohh

Ça me va parfaitement :11: on peut se faire un rp de leur première rencontre à la clinique quand tu veux :coeur:


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If we'd go again all the way from the start, I would try to change things that killed our love. Your pride has built a wall, so strong that I can't get through. Is there really no chance to start once again ? I'm still loving you ... ☾☾
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WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 14 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 14 EmptySam 2 Jan 2021 - 21:20

Je suis làà :11: :20:
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adm h
Woody Rutkowski
Woody Rutkowski
MESSAGE : 4077
ICI DEPUIS : 03/10/2014
COMPTES : jackson & isaiah & concho & elmo & oskár & reyansh
CRÉDITS : urochrome (a) & yourdailykitsch (g) & beloved (s)

STATUT : ⋄ oh, I wish you were right there to fight off the nightmares. you were the night light on a dark night like the stars.
WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 14 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 14 EmptyJeu 7 Jan 2021 - 15:40

Je te mp après tout ce retard :10:


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If we'd go again all the way from the start, I would try to change things that killed our love. Your pride has built a wall, so strong that I can't get through. Is there really no chance to start once again ? I'm still loving you ... ☾☾
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WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 14 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 14 EmptyJeu 17 Juin 2021 - 17:16

Big bro de mon coeur ohh
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adm h
Woody Rutkowski
Woody Rutkowski
MESSAGE : 4077
ICI DEPUIS : 03/10/2014
COMPTES : jackson & isaiah & concho & elmo & oskár & reyansh
CRÉDITS : urochrome (a) & yourdailykitsch (g) & beloved (s)

STATUT : ⋄ oh, I wish you were right there to fight off the nightmares. you were the night light on a dark night like the stars.
WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 14 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 14 EmptyJeu 17 Juin 2021 - 22:09

Little sisteeer :11:
Moi j'dis qu'on se fait un rp familial pour l'anniversaire d'Avery qui approche héhé hein @Nevaeh Rutkowski ?


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If we'd go again all the way from the start, I would try to change things that killed our love. Your pride has built a wall, so strong that I can't get through. Is there really no chance to start once again ? I'm still loving you ... ☾☾
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WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 14 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 14 EmptyJeu 17 Juin 2021 - 22:10

Oh yes !!! Je suis chaude patate pour un RP familial :)
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WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 14 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 14 EmptyJeu 17 Juin 2021 - 23:30

Pas sous le bon compte, mais oui :11:
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WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 14 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 14 EmptyVen 25 Juin 2021 - 23:25

Puisque tu es venu sur ma présa en disant qu'il fallait un lien, je suis là :hehe:
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adm h
Woody Rutkowski
Woody Rutkowski
MESSAGE : 4077
ICI DEPUIS : 03/10/2014
COMPTES : jackson & isaiah & concho & elmo & oskár & reyansh
CRÉDITS : urochrome (a) & yourdailykitsch (g) & beloved (s)

STATUT : ⋄ oh, I wish you were right there to fight off the nightmares. you were the night light on a dark night like the stars.
WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 14 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 14 EmptyVen 25 Juin 2021 - 23:35

Ouiiiiii :11:
Avec l'ancien frère Ivanova, le lien était que le frère aimait bien Woody malgré tout ce qu'il s'est passé avec Freja, mais ça n'a pas été joué sur plus qu'un rp alors on peut tout à fait faire autrement :11: Après tout, considérant à quel point Woody est toxique pour Freja (et vice-versa WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 14 1956959691 ), ça ne me surprendrait pas que Jakob ne le porte pas dans son coeur :14:


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If we'd go again all the way from the start, I would try to change things that killed our love. Your pride has built a wall, so strong that I can't get through. Is there really no chance to start once again ? I'm still loving you ... ☾☾
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WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 14 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 14 EmptyVen 23 Juil 2021 - 10:54

Coucou !
Vu que Sean est le frère de Woody et que Alyss connaît Sean depuis le lycée on pourrait se trouver un p'tit lien !
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adm h
Woody Rutkowski
Woody Rutkowski
MESSAGE : 4077
ICI DEPUIS : 03/10/2014
COMPTES : jackson & isaiah & concho & elmo & oskár & reyansh
CRÉDITS : urochrome (a) & yourdailykitsch (g) & beloved (s)

STATUT : ⋄ oh, I wish you were right there to fight off the nightmares. you were the night light on a dark night like the stars.
WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 14 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 14 EmptySam 21 Aoû 2021 - 3:56

@Jakob Ivanova du coup je sais pas si tu aurais une petite place pour rp après avoir approfondi un peu tout ça ? :11:

@Alyss Brennan ohhh absolument :11: clairement le genre de Woody au lycée de venir draguer les amies de son petit frère, je dis ça comme ça :01:


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If we'd go again all the way from the start, I would try to change things that killed our love. Your pride has built a wall, so strong that I can't get through. Is there really no chance to start once again ? I'm still loving you ... ☾☾
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WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 14 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 14 Empty

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WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !
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