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 WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !

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Brooklyn Gates
Tiffany Sawyer
Woody Rutkowski
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WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 15 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 15 EmptyDim 15 Jan 2023 - 18:30

J'ai un lien avec ton p'tit frère...
Alors peut être avec toi aussi ? HA
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adm h
Woody Rutkowski
Woody Rutkowski
MESSAGE : 4077
ICI DEPUIS : 03/10/2014
COMPTES : jackson & isaiah & concho & elmo & oskár & reyansh
CRÉDITS : urochrome (a) & yourdailykitsch (g) & beloved (s)

STATUT : ⋄ oh, I wish you were right there to fight off the nightmares. you were the night light on a dark night like the stars.
WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 15 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 15 EmptyVen 20 Jan 2023 - 16:27

Ah bah oui bien sûr :11: !
C'est quoi le lien avec Elias ? aha


‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾
If we'd go again all the way from the start, I would try to change things that killed our love. Your pride has built a wall, so strong that I can't get through. Is there really no chance to start once again ? I'm still loving you ... ☾☾
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WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 15 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 15 EmptyMer 22 Fév 2023 - 22:25

Hello, hello Rolling Eyes pfiou :48:
Un petit lien avec celui qui a brisé le coeur de la soeur de Woody ? **
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adm h
Woody Rutkowski
Woody Rutkowski
MESSAGE : 4077
ICI DEPUIS : 03/10/2014
COMPTES : jackson & isaiah & concho & elmo & oskár & reyansh
CRÉDITS : urochrome (a) & yourdailykitsch (g) & beloved (s)

STATUT : ⋄ oh, I wish you were right there to fight off the nightmares. you were the night light on a dark night like the stars.
WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 15 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 15 EmptyVen 24 Fév 2023 - 3:53

OUI. En plus Woody et Avery sont pas mal en froid, ces temps-ci, alors Woody va encore plus s'en foutre de ce que pense sa soeur s'il en fout une dans la gueule d'Ari :01: ( :rire: ) Du coup oui, totalement partante, mais Woody ne porte vraiment pas Ari dans son coeur alors ça promet aha
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WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 15 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 15 EmptyVen 24 Fév 2023 - 18:26

Héhé Rolling Eyes Est-ce qu'on part sur Woody et Ari avaient déjà un lien un peu négatif avant que Ari quitte la ville et du coup bah Woody est encore plus convaincu que c'est un c*nnard, ou est-ce qu'on part plutôt sur un lien positif/neutre avant le départ de Ari ? Hum
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adm h
Woody Rutkowski
Woody Rutkowski
MESSAGE : 4077
ICI DEPUIS : 03/10/2014
COMPTES : jackson & isaiah & concho & elmo & oskár & reyansh
CRÉDITS : urochrome (a) & yourdailykitsch (g) & beloved (s)

STATUT : ⋄ oh, I wish you were right there to fight off the nightmares. you were the night light on a dark night like the stars.
WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 15 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 15 EmptyMer 1 Mar 2023 - 16:44

Oui je penche davantage pour l'idée qu'il ait déjà une mauvaise perception d'Ari et que ça soit juste venu tout confirmer :11: La tendance veut que Woody n'aime que rarement les copains de ses soeurs :rire: Du coup je pense qu'Ari trouverait aussi Woody très désagréable et injuste :rire: Si ça te va, évidemment :11:
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WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 15 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 15 EmptyJeu 2 Mar 2023 - 18:43

Oui c'est parfait ! J'avais en tête plutôt ça également :48:
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adm h
Woody Rutkowski
Woody Rutkowski
MESSAGE : 4077
ICI DEPUIS : 03/10/2014
COMPTES : jackson & isaiah & concho & elmo & oskár & reyansh
CRÉDITS : urochrome (a) & yourdailykitsch (g) & beloved (s)

STATUT : ⋄ oh, I wish you were right there to fight off the nightmares. you were the night light on a dark night like the stars.
WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 15 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 15 EmptySam 4 Mar 2023 - 14:16

Super :11: On pourra se faire un rp quand tu veux WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 15 2269043814
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WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 15 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 15 Empty

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WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !
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