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 WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !

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Brooklyn Gates
Tiffany Sawyer
Woody Rutkowski
7 participants
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WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 3 EmptyDim 21 Déc 2014 - 17:48

Moi y me touche déjà !!! :42:
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WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 3 EmptyDim 21 Déc 2014 - 17:50

Alice Marshall a écrit:
Moi y me touche déjà !!! :42:
Le pauvre Jamie il va faire une dépression :troll:
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WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 3 EmptyDim 21 Déc 2014 - 17:51

Je vais finir par vous tenir en laisse. Bim in your face
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adm h
Woody Rutkowski
Woody Rutkowski
MESSAGE : 4132
ICI DEPUIS : 03/10/2014
COMPTES : jackson & isaiah & concho & elmo & oskár & reyansh
CRÉDITS : urochrome (a) & yourdailykitsch (g) & beloved (s)

STATUT : ⋄ oh, I wish you were right there to fight off the nightmares. you were the night light on a dark night like the stars.
WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 3 EmptyDim 21 Déc 2014 - 18:15

Flirt ça me va tout à fait love u

Et pour Jamie et Woody, bah j'imagine qu'à force de sentir la colère de Jamie sur lui, Woody va aussi commencer à être agacé par la présence de Jamie, d'autant plus que Woody se rend compte qu'il a peut-être pas tourné la page sur Sara et vu comment Jamie est avec elle, Woody entretiendra encore plus de haine à son égard :14: Ça prendra un RP explosif, mais je ne sais pas sur quelle base le partir Hum


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If we'd go again all the way from the start, I would try to change things that killed our love. Your pride has built a wall, so strong that I can't get through. Is there really no chance to start once again ? I'm still loving you ... ☾☾
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WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 3 EmptyDim 21 Déc 2014 - 18:22

Woody Rutkowski a écrit:
Flirt ça me va tout à fait love u

Et pour Jamie et Woody, bah j'imagine qu'à force de sentir la colère de Jamie sur lui, Woody va aussi commencer à être agacé par la présence de Jamie, d'autant plus que Woody se rend compte qu'il a peut-être pas tourné la page sur Sara et vu comment Jamie est avec elle, Woody entretiendra encore plus de haine à son égard :14: Ça prendra un RP explosif, mais je ne sais pas sur quelle base le partir Hum
Jamie a tourné la page sur Sara je crois, maintenant l est sur Cassie :troll:
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adm h
Woody Rutkowski
Woody Rutkowski
MESSAGE : 4132
ICI DEPUIS : 03/10/2014
COMPTES : jackson & isaiah & concho & elmo & oskár & reyansh
CRÉDITS : urochrome (a) & yourdailykitsch (g) & beloved (s)

STATUT : ⋄ oh, I wish you were right there to fight off the nightmares. you were the night light on a dark night like the stars.
WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 3 EmptyDim 21 Déc 2014 - 18:23

Donc raison de plus pour pas l'aimer, il a fait de la peine à Sara :01:


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If we'd go again all the way from the start, I would try to change things that killed our love. Your pride has built a wall, so strong that I can't get through. Is there really no chance to start once again ? I'm still loving you ... ☾☾
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WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 3 EmptyDim 21 Déc 2014 - 18:27

Haha, en effet, ça me va. Ca va être drôle. :35:
Sinon il pourrait de servir de Cassie en la draguant pour embêter Jamie ! :14: (mais pas plus que du flirt NON )
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WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 3 EmptyDim 21 Déc 2014 - 18:35

A. Jamie Marshall a écrit:
Haha, en effet, ça me va. Ca va être drôle. :35:
Sinon il pourrait de servir de Cassie en la draguant pour embêter Jamie ! :14: (mais pas plus que du flirt NON )
Si plus que du flirt :hug: :troll:
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WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 3 EmptyDim 21 Déc 2014 - 18:41

NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH ! WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 3 2889884971 :killya:
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adm h
Woody Rutkowski
Woody Rutkowski
MESSAGE : 4132
ICI DEPUIS : 03/10/2014
COMPTES : jackson & isaiah & concho & elmo & oskár & reyansh
CRÉDITS : urochrome (a) & yourdailykitsch (g) & beloved (s)

STATUT : ⋄ oh, I wish you were right there to fight off the nightmares. you were the night light on a dark night like the stars.
WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 3 EmptyDim 21 Déc 2014 - 18:53

OH J'adooooooooore cette idée !!!! :14:
Woody est méchant :14:


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If we'd go again all the way from the start, I would try to change things that killed our love. Your pride has built a wall, so strong that I can't get through. Is there really no chance to start once again ? I'm still loving you ... ☾☾
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WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 3 EmptyDim 21 Déc 2014 - 19:11

Du coup tu veux un rp Woody? What a Face
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WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 3 EmptyDim 21 Déc 2014 - 19:15

Tellement. :14:
Peut-être un peu plus tard on se fera un rp règlement de compte. :01:
(Et faites attention, je vais surveiller. Pas de bêtises, ce qui veut dire pas de câlins !. NON )
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WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 3 EmptyLun 22 Déc 2014 - 4:16

Avec plaisir pour le RP Cassandre :11:

Et oui Jamie, je vais attendre de voir comment ça se passe avec Cass & Sara & Alice, et quand tout sera un peu mieux défini en RP, on se fait un RP ensanglanté :01:
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WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 3 EmptyLun 22 Déc 2014 - 22:03

Tu voudrais bien commencer par contre? J'en ai un paquet à faire là pour les fêtes Arrow
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adm h
Woody Rutkowski
Woody Rutkowski
MESSAGE : 4132
ICI DEPUIS : 03/10/2014
COMPTES : jackson & isaiah & concho & elmo & oskár & reyansh
CRÉDITS : urochrome (a) & yourdailykitsch (g) & beloved (s)

STATUT : ⋄ oh, I wish you were right there to fight off the nightmares. you were the night light on a dark night like the stars.
WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 3 EmptyLun 22 Déc 2014 - 22:05

Sans problème I love you Là je suis un peu saturée, j'ai cessé de compter le nombre de réponses que j'ai fait aujourd'hui :14: mais peut-être ce soir ou demain matin I love you


‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾
If we'd go again all the way from the start, I would try to change things that killed our love. Your pride has built a wall, so strong that I can't get through. Is there really no chance to start once again ? I'm still loving you ... ☾☾
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WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !    WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !  - Page 3 Empty

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WOODY | you've got a friend in me, yeah you've got a friend in me !
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